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  • Charging stations for electric vehicles in Luxembourg and within a radius of 40km from its borders (2021) - Sources:, Chargemap, Creos Luxembourg - Electro-mobility, DREAL Grand Est, LVGL Saarland, MWAEV Saarland, MWVLW Rheinland-Pfalz. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2021

  • - Cross-border functional areas defined within the Interreg programme of the Greater Region in 2023. - Sources: Entiwcklungskonzept Oberes Moseltal, Eurodistrict SaarMoselle, EGTC Alzette-Belval, . Harmonization: SIG-GR 2023

  • - Subregional spatial planning documents in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: DATer 2023, Région Grand Est 2023, MDI Rheinland-Pfalz 2023, MIBS Saarland 2023, GeoRhena 2023

  • - Spatial planning documents at regional level in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: DATer 2023, MDI Rheinland-Pfalz 2023, Région Grand Est 2023, MIBS Saarland 2023, GeoRhena 2023

  • - Cross-border spatial planning documents in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: GECT Alzette Belval, Entwicklungskonzept Oberes Moseltal, Eurodistrict SaarMoselle, GeoRhena 2023

  • European and cross-border cycle paths 2021 - Sources: EuroVelo, biroto-Redaktion (, Luxembourg for Tourism 2021, OpenStreetMap and Contributors, Saarschleifenland Tourismus GmbH, Service pubic de Wallonie - DGO1, Stadtverband Saarbrücken, Tourismus Zentrale Saarland GmbH. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2021

  • - Spatial planning documents at national/regional level of the greater-regional partners (08/2020) - Sources: MEA-Dater 2020; MDI Rheinland-Pfalz 2020; Région Grand Est 2020; MIBS Saarland 2020

  • National and regional cycle paths 2021 - Sources: OpenStreetMap and Contributors, biroto-Redaktion (, Landesbetrieb Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz, Landesbetrieb für Strassenbau (LfS), LVGL Saarland, Velo & Territoires, Veremes, Administration des Ponts et Chaussées - Divsion de la mobilité durable (LU), Service public de Wallonie (SPW - DGO1). Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2021

  • Renewable energies: installed capacity 2015/2016 (MW) - Territorial units: arrondissements (Wallonie), départements (Lorraine), administrative districts (Luxembourg), Kreise (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) - Statistical data sources: Bundesnetzagentur 2016; DREAL 2016; Energieatlas Rheinland-Pfalz 2016; ILR 2016; LUA Saarland 2016; ROK25 SGD Nord/Süd Rheinland-Pfalz 2015-2016; SOeS 2016; SPW 2015 - Geodata sources: EuroGeographics EuroRegionalMap v9.1 - 2016. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2016

  • Carpool parkings within a radius of 40km from the Luxembourgish border - Source: Working party "Transport" of the Summit of the Greater Region. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2016