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This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on September 8, 2020. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.
This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on July 30, 2020. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.
This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on September 3, 2019. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.
Field assessment / rating of the vines at the IVV 2023, classes 0 = healthy, 1 = apoplexy, 2A = mild ESCA symptoms, 2B = moderate ESCA symptoms, 2C = severe ESCA symptoms, X = missing vine
Surface temperature or plant temperature on August 22, 2023 in the IVV vineyard in Remich in °C. The temperature map was generated using a drone-based thermal camera.
CWSI (=crop water stress index) for the IVV vineyard in Remich. The CWSI is an index that can reflect the water stress of plants. High index values mean higher stress levels for the plants.
Field assessment / rating of the vines at the IVV 2021, classes 0 = healthy, 1 = apoplexy, 2A = mild ESCA symptoms, 2B = moderate ESCA symptoms, 2C = severe ESCA symptoms, X = missing vine
Field assessment / rating of the vines at the IVV 2022, classes 0 = healthy, 1 = apoplexy, 2A = mild ESCA symptoms, 2B = moderate ESCA symptoms, 2C = severe ESCA symptoms, X = missing vine
Cadastral parcels that are part of the public fluvial domain. The public fluvial domain is inalienable and imprescriptible, subject to granted rights and legally consummated alienations.
Construction restrictions in groundwater protection zones. For more details, please refer to the following links: Grand-Ducal Regulation of July 9, 2013 (http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2013/07/09/n20/jo) Specific grand-ducal regulations creating groundwater protection zones (https://eau.gouvernement.lu/fr/administration/Legislation/Reglements-grand-ducaux-portant-creation-de-zone-de-protection.html)