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Waterway network of the Greater Region - Data sources: EuroGeographics EuroRegionalMap v3.0 - 2010; ESRI 2006. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2012
Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems
Station serving to pump water up to a higher point.
Construction restrictions in groundwater protection zones. For more details, please refer to the following links: Grand-Ducal Regulation of July 9, 2013 ( Specific grand-ducal regulations creating groundwater protection zones (
According to the ordinance of april 16, 2021 of the sanitary protection zones of the Upper Sûre lake, the temporary storage of silage as mentioned in point 6.12.2. (Index 27) of the appendix II, compost (point 6.17.2., index 29, appendix II) and manure as mentioned in point 6.18.2. (index 30) of the appendix II on sub-parcels of the protection zones IIC and III that show a slope of less than 5% is allowed, respecting certain conditions. Citizens concerned can use the map to see which sub-parcels within the agricultural areas are affected.
The evaluation of the hydromorphological structure of surface water is made in two steps: First the method for the surface water development ability is applied. For this method the current structure of the surface water is analyzed for the different surface water sections. Constructing on the section-referred evaluation a total evaluation of the surface water development ability per surface water body takes place.
All natural water expanses and basins.
Chemical status of the water bodies 2009
This layer contains the certificates of excellence of the different municipalities for the successful audit of the risk analysis of drinking water installations