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This layer contains the certificates of excellence of the different municipalities for the successful audit of the risk analysis of drinking water installations
In accordance with the regulations of the <a href=""> law of 25 February 2022 on cultural heritage</a>, the Institut national de recherches archéologiques - INRA has developed a map of the archaeological observation zone (ZOA) based, on the one hand, on the inventory of archaeological heritage and, on the other hand, on additional information and data from state or municipal authorities responsible for the use, study or protection of the soil or subsoil or entrusted with excavation and construction work. The delimitation of the ZOA is defined by the grand-ducal regulation of the 26th of July 2023. As an overlaying zone, it is an integral part of any plans or projects that have spatial, communal or urban planning as their subject matter. <a href="">More information on INRA's web site</a>
Wet underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or loose materials.
Alignment of fishing sections in surface water