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  • This layer contains the official orthophotos covering the national territory of Luxemburg, and that have been produced following a surveying flight in summer 2016 under the responsibility of the administration du cadastre et de la topographie.

  • This layer shows the borders of Luxembourg's electoral districts

  • This layer shows a grid of the UTM system (Universe Transverse Mercator)

  • This layer shows the borders of Luxembourg's jurisdictions

  • The macroinvertebrates are sampled according to the French method IBGN ( indice biologique global normalisé , agences de l' eau 2000). The results allow to classify the surface water bodies into 5 classes : high - good - moderate - poor - bad. Macroinvertebrates are sensitive to the hydromorphology, organic pollution , biological continuity , water regime and acidification. The Macroinvertebrates are one out of four biological parameters of the ecological status of surface water.