

46 record(s)
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  • All artificial water expanses and basins.

  • This layer contains the regulations contained in the land use plan of the municipality of Lintgen. The information in this geoportal layer has no legal value and must be considered as mere indications related to the original document. The original plan can be viewed in the local administration.

  • This layer contains the regulations contained in the land use plan of the Préizerdaul municipality. The information in this geoportal layer have no legal value and must be considered as mere indications related to the original document. The original plan can be viewed in the Préizerdaul administration.

  • All natural water expanses and basins.

  • Repertoire of all wetlands in Luxembourg as marshy lands and areas and alluvial forests.

  • The evaluation of the hydromorphological structure of surface water is made in two steps: First the method for the surface water development ability is applied. For this method the current structure of the surface water is analyzed for the different surface water sections. Constructing on the section-referred evaluation a total evaluation of the surface water development ability per surface water body takes place.

  • This layer contains the official orthophotos covering the national territory of Luxemburg, and that have been produced following a surveying flight in summer 2013 under the responsibility of the administration du cadastre et de la topographie.

  • The surface water of Luxembourg are subdivided in 102 water bodies. The identification of water bodies is based on geographical and hydrological determinants. 3 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Chiers", part of the river basin district of the Meuse. 99 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Moselle", part of the river basin district of the Rhine.

  • Status of the water bodies 2009