Planning cadastre
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- Subregional spatial planning documents in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: GeoRhena, MDI Rheinland-Pfalz, MIBS Saarland, Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, MLOGAT-DATer Luxembourg, Région Grand Est, Service public de Wallonie, Verband Rhein-Neckar 2024. Harmonization: GIS-GR 2024
- Spatial planning documents at national/regional/cantonal level in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: GeoRhena, MDI Rheinland-Pfalz, MIBS Saarland, Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, MLOGAT-DATer Luxembourg, Région Grand Est, Service public de Wallonie 2024. Harmonization: GIS-GR 2024
- Spatial planning documents at national/regional level of the greater-regional partners (08/2020) - Sources: MEA-Dater 2020; MDI Rheinland-Pfalz 2020; Région Grand Est 2020; MIBS Saarland 2020
- Cross-border spatial planning documents in the Greater Region and the Upper Rhine 2024 - Sources: EOM, Eurodistrict SaarMoselle, GECT Alzette Belval, GeoRhena, GT Aménagement Rhin supérieur - AG Raumordnung Oberrhein, MLOGAT-DATer Luxembourg 2024. Harmonization: GIS-GR 2024
- Cross-border functional areas defined within the Interreg programme of the Greater Region in 2025. - Sources: Entwicklungskonzept Oberes Moseltal (EOM), Eurodistrict SaarMoselle, GECT Alzette-Belval, MLOGAT-DATer, Idelux, Eifel-Ostbelgien-Eislek (EOE), Mëllerdall-Our-Südeifel (MOSE), TNT Chiers Alzette, Parc archéologique européen - Europäischer Kulturpark Bliesbruck-Reinheim. Harmonisation: SIG-GR 2025
- Cross-border functional areas defined within the Interreg programme of the Greater Region in 2023. - Sources: Entiwcklungskonzept Oberes Moseltal, Eurodistrict SaarMoselle, EGTC Alzette-Belval, . Harmonization: SIG-GR 2023
Le plan d’occupation du sol (POS) est un instrument d’aménagement du territoire rendu obligatoire par règlement grand-ducal et contenant un ensemble de prescriptions écrites et graphiques. Il délimite au niveau d’une ou de plusieurs communes une partie déterminée du territoire national qu’il divise en une ou plusieurs zones dont il arrête le mode d’utilisation du sol et dont il précise et exécute le cas échéant le mode d’utilisation du sol
- Intercommunal spatial planning documents of the greater-regional partners (08/2020) - Sources: Région Grand Est 2020; DREAL Grand Est 2020; MDI Rheinland-Pfalz 2020; MIBS Saarland 2020
This layer contains the region name from the cadastral map. It cannot be shown together with geodata of another type of precision.
This layer contains the contours of the map sheets of the original cadastral map for the actual territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, as it has been created and updated between 1811 and 1832. Every polygon contains a link to the scanned document, that can be opened and downloaded in form of PNG files. It is one the set, which has been kept in the archives of the administration du cadastre et de la topographie. At the time of their original use, all the modifications that occured to the parcels were recorded on the map sheets themselves by erasing and drawing. This, as well as their regular use, may explain the imperfect state of some particular map sheets. A 2nd set of map sheets is kept in the national archives.