

246 record(s)
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  • This layer contains the public administrations situated in the nature parc Our

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on August 23, 2023. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on September 3, 2019. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on September 8, 2020. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on August 29, 2022. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on August 22, 2023. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on September 13, 2021. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • This layer shows the NDVI calculated using the spectral information from a hyperspectral camera (Headwall – Nano) recorded with a drone over the vineyard on July 30, 2020. NDVI (= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) belongs to the vegetation indices, which can map the vitality of plants by using spectral information in the red and near-infrared. It has a defined value range and can be easily interpreted as healthy vegetation has values from 0.6 to 1 maximum.

  • The hybrid map uses the most recent aerial image as background. In addition, it contains roads, street names and locality names.

  • This layer displays the latest aerial image (orthophoto) available. An orthophoto represents a mosaic composed of digital aerial photographs geometrically rectified (orthorectified) and georeferenced in the LUREF national coordinate system. The digital orthophotos of the Grand Duchy are managed in the BD-L-ORTHO database which covers the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and are accessible both on the national geoportal and on the open data portal ( Since 2016, ACT has carried out an annual survey of the entire country. Other aerial images are available under General public> Land cover> Aerial and satellite images.