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  • The cellular phone cadastre represents the locations as well as the operating licences for classified GSM transmitting antennae operating in the frequency band between 791 MHz and 2690 MHz.

  • Georeferenced point where the global electric field strength from GSM transmitting antennas operating in the frequency band 791 MHz to 2 690 MHz is measured. The measured values are average actual values measured at a well-defined point in time. Measurements are made at regular intervals and according to changes in the radio sites surrounding the measurement point. The measurement reports represent the contribution of each operator and each frequency band operated as well as the sum of the electric field produced by all transmitting antennas.

  • Vorgeschlagene Maßnahmen zur Aufwertung und Erhaltung der Raubwürgerreviere.

  • Diese Gebiete stellen die Brutreviere des Raubwürgers in Luxemburg dar. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des Monitoringprogramms 'Raubwürger' der Centrale ornithologique und deren Feldornithologischen Arbeitsgruppe erhoben. Die Abgrenzungen der Reviere wurde dabei von den jeweiligen Kartierern vorgenommen. Diese Grenzen sind nicht starr und entsprechen nicht zwangsläufig der aktuellen Situation, da sich die Reviere entsprechend den Gegebenheiten verschieben können. Die Grunddatenerfassung dieser Brutreviere stammt aus dem Jahr 2006.

  • A topographic map is intended to be a representation of the terrain. It differs from thematic maps (city maps, road maps etc.) by the richness of its content, its high precision and above all the representation of the topography by the contour lines. The cadastre and topography administration publishes topographic maps at the scales of 1:5,000, 1:20,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000.

  • This layer includes compensation projects of the national compensation pool approved by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. The projects are supervised by the nature and forestry administration. For each project, a descriptive sheet that contains more detailed information about the restoration measures can be called.

  • This layer contains all the member municipalities of each steering committee Natura2000

  • The sun as energy resource.

  • Water as energy resource.

  • Electricity from cogeneration plants. Principle of combined heat and power generation.