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  • This layer shows the names of the 130 municipalities as they existed in the beginning of the 19th century, when the cadastre was created in Luxemburg.

  • This layer shows the contents created within the public map portals by the individual user, which have been assigned to the specific sub-categories POI. Principally these are point data representing important point objects or attractions.

  • This layer shows the borders of the 130 municipalities as they existed in the beginning of the 19th century, when the cadastre was created in Luxemburg.

  • This layer shows the street names, as they are registered in the official town and street names database.

  • This layer shows the names of the 3 districts in which the territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg is officially divided.

  • This layer shows the borders of the cadastral sections, administrative subdivisions of the 130 municipalities as they existed in the beginning of the 19th century, when the cadastre was created in Luxemburg.

  • This layer shows the 3 districts in which the territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg is officially divided.

  • This layer shows the names of the 12 cantons in which the territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg is officially divided.

  • Digital topographic map at scale 1:50.000 issued from the BD-L-TC. Exists as rasterfile (TIFFormat) as well as vector-database, including a style-file for ARCGIS.

  • This layer shows the parcel numbers, composed of main number and subnumber.