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  • The surface water of Luxembourg are subdivided in 102 water bodies. The identification of water bodies is based on geographical and hydrological determinants. 3 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Chiers", part of the river basin district of the Meuse. 99 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Moselle", part of the river basin district of the Rhine.

  • The surface water of Luxembourg are subdivided in 102 water bodies. The identification of water bodies is based on geographical and hydrological determinants. 3 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Chiers", part of the river basin district of the Meuse. 99 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Moselle", part of the river basin district of the Rhine.

  • The surface water of Luxembourg are subdivided in 106 water bodies. The identification of water bodies is based on geographical and hydrological determinants. 3 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Chiers", part of the river basin district of the Meuse. 103 surface water bodies are integrated in the river basin of the "Moselle", part of the river basin district of the Rhine.