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  • - Change in total population 2000-2017, Lorraine: 1999-2015 - Territorial entities: arrondissements (Wallonie), zones d'emploi (Lorraine), cantons (Luxembourg), Kreise (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) - Statistical data sources: INSEE Grand Est; DG Statistique - Statistics Belgium; Statistisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz; Statistisches Amt Saarland; STATEC. Calculations: OIE/IBA 2018 - Geodata sources: ACT Luxembourg 2017, IGN France 2017, GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017, NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Cross-border commuters from Wallonia to France at place of residence (Arrondissements): 2007-2017 - Territorial entities: Arrondissements - Commuting data sources: INAMI 2018. Calculations: OIE/IBA 2018 - Geodata sources: NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Cross-border commuters from France to Saarland at place of work (Kreise): 2007-2017 - Territorial entities: Landkreise - Commuting data sources: Bundesagentur für Arbeit 2018. Calculations: OIE/IBA 2018 - Geodata sources: GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Population density 2017 (inhabitants per km²), Lorraine: 2015 - Territorial entities: arrondissements (Wallonie), zones d'emploi (Lorraine), cantons (Luxembourg), Kreise (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) - Statistical data sources: INSEE Grand Est; DG Statistique - Statistics Belgium; Eurostat; STATEC. Harmonization: IBA / OIE 2018 - Geodata sources: GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017; IGN France 2017; NGI-Belgium 2017; ACT Luxembourg 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Projection of working age population (20-64 years) 2018-2050 - Territorial entities: arrondissements (Wallonie), départements (Lorraine), Grand-Duché (Luxembourg), Kreise (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) - Statistical data sources: Eurostat; INSEE Grand Est; SPF Economie; BFP-DGSIE; STATEC; Statistisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz; Statistisches Amt Saarland. Calculations: OIE/IBA 2018 - Geodata sources: ACT Luxembourg 2017, IGN France 2017, GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017, NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • Population (%) aged 30-34 with tertiary educational attainment in 2019 - Territorial entities: NUTS 2 - Data source: European Commission, Eurostat/GISCO 2021. Harmonization: GIS-GR 2022

  • - Population density 2016 (inhabitants per km²) per municipality - Statistical data sources: INSEE Grand Est, IWEPS, Statistisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz, Statistisches Amt Saarland, STATEC. Harmonization: LISER 2018 - Geodata sources: ACT Luxembourg 2017, IGN France 2017, GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017, NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Share of total utilised agricultural area (UAA) occupied by organic farming (2016-2017) - Territorial entities: arrondissements (Wallonie), départements (Lorraine), cantons (Luxembourg), Kreise (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) - Statistical data sources: Division des Statistiques Agricoles, des Marchés Agricoles et des Relations Extérieures (LUX) 2017; Natagriwal 2017 ; Ministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Saarland 2017; ADD Rheinland-Pfalz 2016; Agence BIO / OC Agreste 2016. Harmonization: IGEAT 2018 - Geodata sources: ACT Luxembourg 2017, IGN France 2017, GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017, NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2018

  • - Airport passengers 2017 - Trimodal hubs rail-road-water - Ports TEN-T - Airport passengers 2017 - High-speed railway lines - Railway lines TEN-T - Main roads (core network TEN-T) - Secondary roads (comprehensive network TEN-T) - Navigable waterways - Maritime links - Driving times to major centres at peak times in minutes (isochrones) - Sources: GISCO 2017; SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2017; European Environment Agency 2012; OSM 2017; European Commission 2017; EUROSTAT 2018. Harmonization: CREAT-UCL 2018.

  • - Ecological status/potential of surface water bodies - Data sources: SPW-DGO3-DEE 2013; MDDI, Administration de la gestion de l'eau 2015; MUEFF 2015; GDI-SL 2015; Agences de l'eau, RM-SN-RMC 2015. Harmonization: IGEAT 2018