Main>Population census
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This layer contains the proportion of Italians among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the population density by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the proportion of Frenchmen among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the proportion of Portuguese among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the proportion of foreign persons among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the proportion of Germans among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the proportion of Belgiums among the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer contains the population by municipality recorded during the population census of the 8th November 2021.
This layer shows the evolution of the population by 1 km² grid between 2011 and 2021. For more information, please see the <a href="">following publication</a>
This layer shows the degree of urbanisation of the Luxembourg territory. For more information, please see the <a href="">following publication</a>