Environnement naturel>Espèces
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This layer shows the occurrences of plant species that are protected by theGrand-Ducal Regulation of 8 January 2010 concerning the full and partial protection of certain species of wild flora. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
Die Gebiete stellen die Brutreviere des Steinkauzes von 2017 bis 2021 dar. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des Monitoringprogramms 'Steinkauz' der biologischen Stationen SIAS, Sicona sowie Mëllerdall erhoben und von der Centrale ornithologique natur&ëmwelt verarbeitet.
This layer shows the occurrences of reptile species that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 2009 concerning the integral and partial protection of certain animal species of wild fauna. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points or grid squares. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
Sensitive data refers to species for which the disclosure of exact locations in the public domain may subject the populations to a high risk of threat such as harvesting or disturbance. Sensitive data are published with a degraded accuracy of the geographical location to one square kilometer. The accuracy is degraded for occurences of: Acrocephalus paludicola, Athene noctua, Circus aeruginosus, Coturnix coturnix, Crex crex, Lanius excubitor, Perdix perdix, Tetrastes bonasia. The accuracy is degraded for occurences of: Accipiter gentilis, Alcedo atthis, Bubo bubo, Ciconia ciconia, Ciconia nigra, Corvus corax, Falco peregrinus, Milvus migrans, Milvus milvus, Pernis apivorus, Vanellus vanellus, if these species are breeding (Code C). Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux, and from the international platforms Ornitho.lu, GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
Die Gebiete stellen die Brutreviere des Steinkauzes von 2017 bis 2020 dar. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des Monitoringprogramms 'Steinkauz' der biologischen Stationen SIAS, Sicona sowie Mëllerdall erhoben und von der Centrale ornithologique natur&ëmwelt verarbeitet.
This layer shows the occurrences of amphibian species that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 2009 concerning the integral and partial protection of certain animal species of wild fauna. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points or grid squares. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
This layer shows the occurrences of fungi species that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 8 January 2010 concerning the full and partial protection of certain species of wild flora. Occurrences from the 1st January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points or grid squares. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
This layer shows the occurrences of bird species (except for sensitive data) that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 2009 concerning the integral and partial protection of certain animal species of wild fauna. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2010 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux, and from the international platforms Ornitho.lu, GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
This layer shows the occurrences of bat species that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 2009 concerning the integral and partial protection of certain animal species of wild fauna. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points or grid squares. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.
This layer shows the occurrences of insect species that are protected by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 2009 concerning the integral and partial protection of certain animal species of wild fauna. Occurrences from the 1st of January 2000 onwards are shown on the map with their original resolution as points. Data come from the national database Recorder-Lux and from the international platforms GBIF.org and Inaturalist.org. They are accessed through the biodiversity map portal mdata.mnhn.lu.