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  • Cette carte montre les structures d’hébergement pour personnes âgées et personnes handicapées au Luxembourg

  • A topographic map is intended to be a representation of the terrain. It differs from thematic maps (city maps, road maps etc.) by the richness of its content, its high precision and above all the representation of the topography by the contour lines. The cadastre and topography administration publishes topographic maps at the scales of 1:5,000, 1:20,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000.

  • The hybrid map uses the most recent aerial image as background. In addition, it contains roads, street names and locality names.

  • This layer displays the latest aerial image (orthophoto) available. An orthophoto represents a mosaic composed of digital aerial photographs geometrically rectified (orthorectified) and georeferenced in the LUREF national coordinate system. The digital orthophotos of the Grand Duchy are managed in the BD-L-ORTHO database which covers the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and are accessible both on the national geoportal and on the open data portal ( Since 2016, ACT has carried out an annual survey of the entire country. Other aerial images are available under General public> Land cover> Aerial and satellite images.

  • The road map is a multi-scale digital map that contains transport networks, buildings, vegetation and hydrology. It is updated monthly and the new roads are entered at the same time as the changes on the cadastral plan. The road map uses vector tile technology, which gives you new possibilities to display the road map. The style editor gives you the choice between 3 editing modes: - Choose a predefined style: This editing mode provides you with a list of predefined colour palettes, which you can use to colour the map. - Modify the main colors: In this mode you can select an individual colour by theme. You also have the option of activating or deactivating a theme by checking the box. Advanced possibilities: This mode allows you to adapt the style of your map without restrictions. Using the Maputnik external style editor (, you can make all kinds of modifications. When you are done editing, you can upload your style. The settings remain stored in your browser. When you are logged in, they are loaded into your profile so that they can be reused on another computer. Of course, the settings can also be used to create a custom background map and integrate it into your own website.

  • A topographic map is intended to be a representation of the terrain. It differs from thematic maps (city maps, road maps etc.) by the richness of its content, its high precision and above all the representation of the topography by the contour lines. The cadastre and topography administration publishes topographic maps at the scales of 1:5,000, 1:20,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000.

  • Dieser Layer enthält den CDI (combined drought index), der auf Basis von Satellitendaten ermittelt wurde. Weitere Informationen : Abschlussbericht. Kurzfassung (Synthese)

  • Dieser Layer enthält den CCI (combined chlorophyll index), der auf Basis von Satellitendaten ermittelt wurde. Weitere Informationen : Abschlussbericht. Kurzfassung (Synthese)

  • Cette couche contient les indices de présence de castor relevés sur le terrain durant l'hiver 2020/21

  • According to Articles 6 to 14 of Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (15), the two following areas have been defined for Luxembourg: (1) One area, called here “Active”, groups historical LCPU and CES districts as well as all cities where a high urbanization degree (1 or 2) and cities with a lower degree but which are surrounded by cities with a higher degree and impacted by traffic. Some cities from the border of the country (Germany/Luxembourg) filling these criteria have also been considered. Isolated cities of the urbanization map belonging to the same district and located between cities with high level of urbanization and showing high level of traffic have also been included in the Active area. (2) The second area, called “Rural” represents the area of the country where the traffic, the density of inhabitants and the number of industries are low. The total number of inhabitants of this area would be 151097 for 2021.