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  • Digital topographic map at scale 1:50.000 issued from the BD-L-TC. Exists as rasterfile (TIFFormat) as well as vector-database, including a style-file for ARCGIS.

  • Digital topographic map at scale 1:50.000 issued from the BD-L-TC. Exists as rasterfile (TIFFormat, 2 sheets, North and South) as well as vector- database, including a style-file for ARCGIS.

  • This layer shows the graticules in LUREF (Luxembourg Reference Frame), for orientation and displaying together with other layers and maps.

  • Digital topographic map in black/white at scale 1:50.000 issued from the BD-L-TC. Exists as rasterfile (TIFFormat) as well as vector-database, including a style-file for ARCGIS.