Main>Environment, Biology and Geology>Data of the nature and forest administration
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This layer contains the information about the place and time of the general meeting for each hunting lot
territory of first degree of the regional outposts of the nature administration conformable to the grand ducal regulation of 11th june 2009 concerning the number and composition of the outposts of the nature administration.
This layer contains the limits of the hunting areas, with validity from the 1st of April 2021
Delimitation of the municipal, state and public forests. This layer is updated every 6 months.
territory of second degree of the regional outposts of the nature administration conformable to the grand ducal regulation of 14th december 2009 june 2009 concerning the number and composition of the forest districts of the nature administration.
Dates of battue or track hunts (regulation 13th of March 2015, Art. 2. Exceptions: a) 12 or less hunters. Battue hunts involving 12 hunters or less, as well as those aimed exclusively at wild boar and organized less than 15 days in advance may take place without announcement on On the day of the hunt the access to the forest is at own risk. It is forbidden to intentionally disturb the hunt in any way.
This layer include the administrative limits of the hunting grounds as deduced from the texts of the lease agreements
Remarkable trees who figure on the list of the subsidized trees in the context of the grand ducal regulation of 18th march 2008 concerning the subsidy for amelioration of natural environment.